
We got a lot of great feedback from parents, kids and postcard writers. We would like to share some of them with you:
Evan received several postcards
from so many wonderful people and schools, it really made his day to get mail
and decorate his room. Children's Miracle Network made it possible for him to
go home to live, however he will continue to send postcards to the other
children on your site.
- Louis is one of the children
featured on your website. I just wanted to take the time to tell you how
important my son feels when he receives a post card from one of his new
friends. My son looks forward to me getting the mail everyday. Even I DO! I go
from frowning at the bills I receive in the mail, to a big smile on my face
when I see a post card![Every single post card we have ever received are
displayed all over my house. Louis looks at them every day, and he knows by name each person who sent him
one. To everyone involved, I cannot express what a difference these things make
in my son's life.
- Thank you so much. I really
appreciate it. Tyler loves to get mail, especially if it has fun stamps from
different countries!
- I just wanted to send you and your
fellow website creators a huge THANK YOU!!!! Being part of a project to send
postcards to the children on your website has meant so much to my students.
More, it meant something special to all the students at our school. Everyone
was included in our 100% participation goal, which meant that over 1,500
postcards were sent out... this inclusion meant a lot to our ASD students and
teachers. I know many of the students and teachers plan to continue to send
postcards to hopefully brighten someone's day the way our days were brightened
from the sending. We've received several responses from the families who
received postcards. They are proudly displayed in the front of our room. Thank
you for your website! It has touched so many lives.
- My class just sent out a batch of
22 postcards today and LOVED the project. My entire grade is now participating
as well.
- I love your program! I am writing
postcards with my children every now and then to send them to some of the kids
on the website. A great and easy way to get them involved.
- I really enjoyed learning about
your organization. I am a childhood cancer survivor, and I can personally
comment on the isolation families can feel while going through chemo and having
to avoid people for fear of getting a cold. Letters, phone calls etc… can
really make a difference for families.
- Thank you for all the postcards! My
daughter took the postcard from the Statue of Liberty to New York, when she had
to do her bone marrow transplant. It made her feel a little bit better.
- Hi, we are individuals at the
Y.A.I, Inc- Astoria Day Habilitation Program in Astoria, Queens New York. Our
focus is on volunteering. We have chosen this site and this program to, on a
monthly basis send cards to children who are going through this challenging
time in their lives. You all inspire us. Your bravery, courage and perseverance
encourages us every day. We are very happy to be a part of this wonderful
program and we are committed to helping others be happy, even if its for a
little while.
- Hello Ladies, ?Just wanted to let
you know that Alison and I appreciate your hard work regarding this ?very
important website of "Send Kids the World". ?We continue to send
these children postcards everywhere we go. ?We are now in LA and next week I am
traveling to India and will send more postcards ?out to, hopefully, cheer up
these children. ?Please keep up your incredible efforts in this very worthwhile
endeavor. ?We may not see the smiles on any of these children's faces when they
receive their ?postcards but I know that they do smile! ?Thank you. ?Tom
- Dearest Send Kids the World team. Samantha,
Allen and I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful cards, notes and tokens
of care and love from around so many kind people around the world!?Just today
Sammi as we lovingly call her, received a card from England and another from
The Netherlands! It makes her day when her dad comes in with mail for her and
she loves hearing from people from as far away as China!?Samantha eagerly looks
forward to mail and likes to be able to write back on occasion too.?We hope you
will be able to continue to keep Samantha on your wonderful, caring list. We
deeply appreciate your prayers for our girl and thank you from the bottom of
our hearts for the wonderful, loving support sent her way!?
- Hi, we have done a “card making”
project with two groups this month – at the Minnesota Children’s Museum and at
The Blake School. At Blake, they hosted a Family Service Night, and one of the
“stations” was making cards for kids from Send Kids the World. Both events were
wonderful. Hopefully, the children will enjoy and the cards and it allowed the
families who made them to talk with their kids about the value of giving
- Hello. I just wanted to tell you
that this is the most amazing program ever. My children ( Jake and Hannah) look
forward to the mail everyday because of you. What a blessing this program is
for our family. Thank you so much.
- Good afternoon, I am the Language Arts teacher at St. Anthony Catholic School in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Our 2 fifth grade classes wrote postcards to the children listed on your site. It was a wonderful experience, both academically and personally for all of us. My students enjoyed reading through the biographies of the kids online. They realized how they had many things in common with them.
Most importantly, they understood what a blessing health and happiness are to a person and his/her family.
Along with out postcards, prayers were also sent out :)"Creativity is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God."