Bilingual Project on Handwriting Day

On Handwriting Day, the Miami Children's Museum Charter School created postcards for the children featured on our website and sent them out to the featured children. The school used it as a bilingual project. The students wrote the postcards in French and translated them in English. They learned how to write a friendly message in French: "Bonjour, je m'appelle ...J'habite Miami. Mon animal preferée est.... Ma couleur preferée est..." "Hello, my name is... I live in Miami. My favored animal is... My favored color is..."
What a great way to introduce letter writing in another language!
For the design of the postcards, the students chose the theme: "If I were an animal I would be..." The children were very creative and came up with many original designs and ideas.
We would like to share with you a few master pieces from this great event.